News April 2018

Soup lunches ended on 5 March on a high note – such a splendid way to get together
during the winter months!
Aren’t baptisms joyful occasions these days? That of Millie Clark certainly was. The
church was absolutely full to bursting, mainly with young people, plus lots of ‘littlies’
and babies. Rev’d Philip abandoned the font, opting instead for the altar, which
meant that everyone could see what was happening. At his invitation several very young
children ‘helped’ with the baptism, young Millie blissfully sleeping throughout. At
their request Jeanette played two of the hymns sung at the wedding of Chris and Hannah,
the second one ’One more step along the world I go’ a truly celebratory finale.
But how we shall miss our beloved Jeanette and Barbara…

Contributions from parishes towards Diocesan costs was discussed at a recent Deanery
meeting. The Diocese of Truro, like all other Anglican Dioceses, provides certain services for its
parishes [these include legal and financial support and advice, training and support for parish
priests, management of clergy houses and glebe land etc].
Unlike many other Dioceses, Truro, as a new creation in 1877, has no ancient endowments, land
or investments, and is largely dependent on contributions from individual parishes to provide the
funding to run the Diocesan office and its obligations.
Currently the income from parishes is not enough to maintain the Diocese which is having to dip
into its modest reserves to balance the budget.
Recent arrangements have allowed parishes to make an offer that they feel they can afford, so
that in theory richer parishes can support those which are less welloff.
The Diocese suggests that this is not working and is asking for a cost-based system whereby each
parish pays the full amount of its ministry and other support costs.
Our cluster clergy have responded to this:
•reminding the Diocese of the many hours of volunteer time in parishes which seem not to be
acknowledged by the Diocese as ‘in kind’ support, worth, in money terms, a very considerable
amount. This of course includes the chairmen and members of numerous Diocesan committees
who give their time and expertise freely.
•The cost of ministry is known but we have no idea of the overall cost of Diocesan staff salaries and
other costs.
•Many active members of congregations are pensioners who should not be expected to bridge the gap
in the Diocesan pensions fund.
•If it isn’t good practice for the Diocese to meet the shortfall out of its reserves, it is equally unfair
to expect parishes to do so.
•Given that parishes have to work hard to generate income, maybe the Diocese could organise a few
fund raising activities of its own? .