Portloe unlimited?
Like its counterpart in the poem by e. e. cummings Portloe’s church might (softly) say of
itself “i am just a little church (no great cathedral)…far from the frantic world with its
rapture and anguish..”
However it seems that, on the quiet, it has been welcoming people from far and wide in its
own understated way. A glance at the visitors’ book for the last couple of months will reveal
that there have been visitors from Sweden, Austria, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Germany, Wales, Australia and the U.S.A., not forgetting those from places closer to home.
Those who record their visit often write of the peace and sense of welcome they find here.
We pray that all who find our churches on their travels may experience that peace and the
love of God and take away encouragement for their pilgrimage of life.