News December 2017

The first winter soup lunch was a very jolly affair – maybe Rachel and Lin had added a
special ingredient to their delicious soups ? In addition a still warm and yummy bread pudding
appeared, thanks to Wilma – which went down a treat with a cup of tea. The next soup
lunch is on Monday 4 December—do join us around 12.30pm.
Two Christmas events in Portloe:
Celebration of Christmas on Wednesday 20th at 7 pm, with mulled wine and mince
pies, and Midnight Worship on Christmas Eve at 11.30 pm. It’s good that we will
again welcome the Rev’d Aubin de Gruchy, Chaplain to Truro School, to lead the service
and to greet Christmas Day.
The Christmas message, “Peace on earth, goodwill to men” is, perhaps, more appropriate this
year than ever before.