News June 2016

The tradition at Portloe of “Blessing the sea” took place
on a calm and sunny evening when the water looked inviting
and peaceful but we all know it is not always like
that so a blessing by our priest-in-charge is certainly a
welcome, nay perhaps necessary event for the fishermen
and faithful of the village.
Accompanied by a good number of people Father Doug,
resplendent in his best robes, led the procession from the
church down the slipway to the sea’s edge in Portloe
harbour. The steepness of the slipway ensures that
although those in the procession sing heartily on the way
down doing the same going back up has now been
The supper afterwards is probably the big draw for many
people in and around the village so nearly 50 people sat
down for a meal that is also part of the church anniversary
celebrations. After an excellent meal everyone relaxed
and enjoyed the evening’s entertainment, despite one
of Father Doug’s best awful jokes yet. As ever, there
were top quality contributions with sweet Polish
singing, stylish saxophone playing, a touch of Hilaire
Belloc and more poems and tales from that well known
“Voice of a Veryan Man”
It was the ninth blessing of the sea that Father Doug
has carried out and we hope that it will not be the last
despite his imminent retirement. Anxious that any
non-participation by him may jeopardize the state of
the sea and the fishing perhaps a village deputation to
the Bishop may ensure Doug’s continued involvement
in the tradition and so secure good fishing and safe
sailing off Portloe in the future.